Simple Systems Lucie Nuts

Simple Systems
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As with any new feed, introduce gradually over a week.

Soak until free from lumps, using 1 part LucieNuts to 2.5 parts water.

Feed according to requirements and condition.
Start with 100g per 100kg of bodyweight per day, increase as required up to a maximum of 5kg per day. For example, for a 500kg horse start with 500g per day (dry weight, before soaking) and increase as required.


All products are natural and seasonal variations can occur, the packaging of each product will detail the typical analysis which is relevant to the batch/cut within the bag. Below are this product’s specification ranges to give an indication of the seasonal variations that can occur for this product.

Specification Ranges %
Crude Fat (Oil) % 2 - 4
Crude Ash % 6 - 10
Crude Protein % 14 - 20
Crude Fibre % 20 - 30
Sugar % <7
Starch % <5
Digestible Energy Medium 10 - 11



We do not add vitamins as the forages themselves have them naturally occurring, often in their precursor form, so the packaging of each forage product details average vitamin & mineral figures produced by the British Association of Green Crop Driers to give an indication of the levels found within Lucerne or Grass. However, Simple System undertakes mineral analysis every two years or when/if the source of the product is changed. Below are the most up to date figures specific to this product.

Major Minerals
Calcium % 1.61
Phosphorus % 0.18
Sodium % 0.07
Potassium % 1.6
Magnesium % 0.21
Chloride % 0.43
Sulphur % 0.19
Minor Minerals
Copper mg/kg 8
Manganese mg/kg 16
Zinc mg/kg 20
Iron mg/kg 362
Selenium mg/kg 0.31


Dried lucerne